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Graphic designer


Journalism & Visual Communication graduate.

/   t h e   w h y

I've always sought to find the composition in the world around me, and that drive compels me to create.

I enjoy navigating the creative region where the words and graphics, typography and photography, red and green, black and grey, smooth and sharp meet. Driving forward those barriers and distorting them into new forms of expression fills me with infinite joy.

/   t h e   w h o

As I was born in Germany, raised in Cape Town, to grow-up somewhere between the two with family and friends scattered around the world, I thrive on different perspectives.


My design emulates that sense of a multiplicity of homes, and I approach every project differently but with the same sense of openness to the world around me. Where-ever I can draw inspiration from, I do. 


My exploration of doing hand-poked tattoos has become a spiritual experience for me that has augmented my relationship to design, whereby I can step away from the computer and have an incredibly intimate experience with another person through design, through art, and through self-expression. If I can move my work away from the "online," I do. Getting my hands dirty and feeling the physical design is so incredibly important to me. It's part of the holistic sensory experience one can explore with design.

But, all-in-all, I wish to continue pursuing a range of styles and a range of mediums. I will continue to push boundaries, break barriers, and enjoy everything that design can evoke and invoke.


© 2018 by Jomiro Eming

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