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/ branding, logo design


Fourth year design class logo

As a way of commemorating my design class's year together, we all went about creating logos for our class. Our Journalism & Media Studies (JMS) design class was a crazy bunch of creative people, and it was really fun branding our off-the-beaten-track approach to design.


Friends of Amasango logo & rebranding


A fantastic organisation in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape that raises funds for a township school involved in helping kids from dysfunctional families, was looking for a new logo.

I started with an initial sketch, which I then redid with tighter lines using a purely digital construction and also went on to creating some alternatives that used the same theme in order to provide a little more scope for guiding them to what they preferred and could see their brand taking on as a new logo. 

The concept is symbolic of growth, new starts, hope, learning, and brighter horizons. The colours reflect this same optimism, as well as being something the children that this organisation raises funds for can actually appreciate and adorn with pride if they wanted to. I felt that this point was particularly important, and I made a concerted effort with these designs to bridge the gap between the corporate and the ground-level.

It was a privilege being involved in this project and I can only wish them the best of luck in admiration for what they continue to do for their community. 


National Arts Festival "Schools Fest" poster series design

The annual Schools Festival which takes place at the tail-end of the Natioanl Arts Festival in South Africa was looking for a 3-poster series to brand their event.

I decided to hand-draw a series of characters, all with "something missing" - which linked to the posters' slogan urging the viewers to "discover what's missing."

The colour schemes follow a similar pattern across all three posters, but each poster has their own identity to match each character.

© 2018 by Jomiro Eming

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